You can read through our frequently asked questions below. If you still can't find an answer to your question feel free to get in touch with us via email at [email protected] or through our contact form.
General Questions
This will vary based on print method and stock, on average it is between 2 to 3 weeks* or more.
If you need your order sooner do get in touch with us and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
For DTG and DTF we can accept high-quality PNG files saved at 300 DPI or vector files, if you do not have access to this please send through your artwork anyway and we can guide you from there.
For screen print we require artwork to be supplied as vector or a high-resolution PNG file. If this is not possible, send through what you have, there may be set up costs incurred if we need to recreate or redraw your artwork.
We have screen printing, direct to garment and direct to film all in-house and can offer embroidery as well.
This can ONLY be done with screen printing as this method allows us to use the Pantone colour system otherwise for DTG, DTF and embroidery we can only match as close as possible. This will not be perfect match as these print methods use CMYK + Red and Green ink or coloured thread.
If you can't find what you are looking for we most like will be able to source it for you depending on what it is.
Give us a call or email through and we can assist you from there.
This will vary based on the apparel, artwork and print method you are looking for, get in touch with us and our friendly sales team can give you a quote and guide you from there.
Our MOQ’s start at 20 units per design but may depend on the print method required and stock/merchandise it is going on. Feel free to get in touch with us and we can assist you further.
You absolutely can! Viewing our showroom is by appointment only, call or email us to book it in.
Making an appointment will ensure that someone is available to answer all of your questions!
Note: appointment time slots may be limited so please make sure you arrive on time.
Yes! If you are looking to have samples made with the garment and print method you have in mind, we can facilitate this. Get in touch with us and our sales reps will be able to organise this and provide you with more information.
If you are looking to take sample stock home/to your business to get an idea of what your staff/team likes you can do this as well. Speak with one of our sales reps and we can organise this for you as well.
Unsure of where to start? Rely on the knowledge of our team to guide you to the right garment and print combination that suits your needs. Give us a call today to get started!
For current orders
We recommend the following for ALL print methods:
- Do NOT use harsh detergents
- Do NOT dry in direct sunlight
- Do NOT tumble dry
- Do NOT iron prints (DTG, DTG, Screen Print or Embroidery)
- DO wash before wear
- DO wash inside out
- DO cold wash only
- DO line dry inside out
We're in the business of fulfilling your needs so if you find any issues with your order, immediately get in touch with the sales rep that has been looking after you and we will do everything we can to rectify the issue as quick as possible.
If you’re able to let us know what your deadlines are we will do our best to accommodate your timelines.
It simply means that the artwork file provided to us is not suitable for the print method its intended for. In most instances our design team can recreate or rework the file supplied but this may incur an extra fee. Our sales team will inform you of this before they proceed.
Each print method has its own limitations, and our sales team will always direct you to the best technique to achieve the vision you had in mind. For example gradients don’t work well with DTF printing as the colours don’t ‘blend’ into the garment as you might imagine it to, we prefer to use DTG for artwork that includes gradients or shadows.