Emily Ingham

Printed Merch for Emily Ingham Illustrations

The Challenge: Emily Ingham is a Brisbane-based powerhouse creator and illustrator and we’ve had the pleasure of printing her seasonal holiday artworks in 2024. Having been a long-time customer at The T-Shirt Co (our sister business), Emily was looking for a different finish from what T-Shirt Co offers (direct-to-garment printing) and that’s where we stepped in!


Direct to Film

Direct to Garment

AS Colour and Gildan

The Solution: Emily is no stranger to custom printing but was looking for something a little more finished for her client work, the team at T-Shirt Co directed her to us as we were able to offer direct-to-film printing instead! Her custom illustrations came up beautifully with this print method and our design team helped refine it to suit DTF.

Each print method provides a different look and at the end of the day it comes down to personal preference and the project requirements. Our team is always available to provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.


Website: Emily Ingham
Instagram: @emilyinghamart



Are you an artist looking to get your work printed?

We'd LOVE to help you out! Printed merch is perfect for your upcoming markets and events.